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head shot of Dror Globerman the keynote speaker

Dror Globerman

Broadcaster | Keynote Speaker and Lecturer | Podcaster | Obsessed about how technology transforms our lives

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Globerman is a TV personality, journalist, and musician. He presents the technological current affairs program "Next", the podcast "While You Were Working" on Keshet 12, and the program "The Future Now" on Galey Zahal.

In the past, he was a reporter and news presenter at Channel 2 News.


Globerman is a  sought-after lecturer and facilitator in companies on economics, politics, human behavior, and culture in the digital age.


10:00-11:00 Keynote - Generative AI Overview


It writes, programs & designs, produces photos, films, and legal contracts at the click of a button, out of nowhere.

The artificial intelligence revolution has reached every person, every profession, and every business. Tools like Dali-2, ChatGPT and Midjourney are just the beginning: more amazing AI tools are popping up every week, creating their own summaries, letters, presentations, photos, music, video, itineraries, legal agreements, software and whatnot.

How do they know how to do it? How should we use them correctly - and what are the dangers?

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